Portfolio Boxes

These portfolio boxes are inspired by the nautilus shell. They were constructed from cigar boxes, glue, paint and wire.

Artist's Guide to New York Game

This is a non-competitive board game. Each museum or attraction has instructions on the bottom, directing the user where to go next. Everything is collage - made of headlines, text and images from various New York magazines.

Greenmarket Video Montage

I filmed this montage and edited it in iMovie and After Effects. It's the central part of a flash based website I created for Greenmarket, on non-profit organization for local farms and crops.

Designing for Locality

These layouts are from a book I have created that illustrate certain quotes and aphorisms from "In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World" by John Thackara.

Manhattan banner animation

In creating this stop motion animation I was inspired by an exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design " Slash: Paper Under the Knife".